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Do you hit the plateau while practicing rock climbing? Most of the time, we recover quickly when we start climbing, but after the initial improvement in ability and strength, the progress slows down. This can be frustrating, and overcoming it can mean changing your workout to create new challenges for your muscles. Adding heavy traction to mountaineering exercises is one of the best ways to do this and can work wonders for your strength. Let’s take a look at the cause.

The science behind heavyweights

There are several different effects of exercising your muscles: increasing endurance, increasing muscle size (muscle hypertrophy) and increasing strength. Endurance and strength are very important for climbers, but we want to limit hypertrophy so as not to reduce our added body volume. The ratio of strength to high weight is very important here.

You need to lift very heavy loads to increase muscle strength. Lifting heavy weights encourages your neural-muscular pathways to force them to absorb extra muscle fibers to lift the load. Increasing muscle performance allows you to gain strength without increasing muscle mass. This is exactly what we want as mountaineers!

To increase optimal strength, you should use enough weight to be able to do only 3 to 5 repetitions of an exercise. The goal is to load the muscles more than they are used to so they can learn to work more efficiently. It is important that there is a complete rest between sets of about 3 to 5 minutes. You do not want to overwhelm your muscles, but instead increase the endurance or size of the muscles. Aim for 3 to 4 of these collections.

Avoid weight training. Bodybuilders often do 8-12 reps with lighter loads and shorter rests to focus on muscle fatigue and increase in size. This leads to the formation of giant muscles that are not very useful for rock climbing.

Add weight to the stretches

Pull-Up is one of the best mountaineering exercises done with overweight. They allow you to increase arm and back strength quickly. This allows you to perform heavier movements to climb, such as locking and pulling one hand. Of course, you only need to practice weightlifting if you have a good starting force. If you can not do at least ten stretching exercises with body weight, you must first focus on them.

You can add weight in different ways. Putting stones in a backpack, hanging weights from a mountaineering belt or using a weight vest are all effective ways to gain weight. Even if you have no choice, you can hold the weight with your foot. However, this method is not optimal because it does not allow you to fully focus on your traction. As mentioned before, when working with weights you want to use a weight that only allows you to do 3 to 5 stretching exercises before breaking. Adjust your weight accordingly.

Try to work on weight stretching 2-3 times a week. You can do them after climbing, but do not do them on days when you are very tired. When you want to work on them, you want to be at a relatively high level of power.

Before gaining weight, make sure you warm up properly. These sets are very hard and you do not want to hurt yourself. Between sets, make sure you rest until you feel completely healed. Do not be afraid of this distance between sets for up to 5 minutes. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. We want them with all our might. Do 3 to 4 sets of these weight stretches.

After a few weeks of weight training, you should see a significant improvement in your climbing strength. You will feel lighter and faster on the wall, and normal stretches should be a breeze. After a few months, your progress may slow down again, during which time you may want to rest and focus on endurance. The periodic pattern of intermittent training between strength and endurance prevents your workout from hitting the plateau.


Source by Eli D Hart